Statewide Community Calendar: Overdose Prevention Trainings

Registration is the sole responsibility of the program delivering the training. If you do not see a listing for training in your area, please email us at or call 1-800-692-8528

NYSDOH Opioid Overdose Prevention Initiative's registered overdose programs offer community overdose trainings for anyone in the community - regardless of level of understanding or knowledge about drugs and overdose. Trainings are offered in convenient formats (videos, in-person, virtual, one on one, small group, etc.). The length of trainings can vary, however key components of the workshops should include:

More overdose training/resources: For Upstate & Long Island NYSDOH website or NYC (5 boroughs) Find naloxone and community opioid overdose trainings

Overdose Recue Kit Resources: Additional Resources Opioid Overdose Prevention: Training of Trainers (TOT)

An online self-paced training for all currently registered opioid overdoes prevention programs. Register for the training here.

Note: If you do not already have an account on you will be asked to create an account, then be directed to register for the TOT.