Statewide Community Calendar: Overdose Prevention Trainings
Registration is the sole responsibility of the program delivering the training. If you do not see a listing for training in your area, please email us at or call 1-800-692-8528
NYSDOH Opioid Overdose Prevention Initiative's registered overdose programs offer community overdose trainings for anyone in the community - regardless of level of understanding or knowledge about drugs and overdose. Trainings are offered in convenient formats (videos, in-person, virtual, one on one, small group, etc.). The length of trainings can vary, however key components of the workshops should include:
Signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose;
List steps on how to respond to an overdose and how to administer naloxone;
Define the NYSDOH cost-saving program Naloxone Co-payment Assistance Program (N-CAP) and locate a pharmacy to purchase naloxone with health insurance plan prescription coverage OR out of pocket
Identify the statewide directory to locate free naloxone education and related harm reduction materials & services (e.g., syringe access programs, fentanyl and xylazine test strips, etc.)
Describe the benefits of the NYS 911 Good Samaritan Law including the importance of calling emergency medical services.
Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP)
The Helpline is a free and confidential resource available to all New Yorkers, regardless of insurance or uninsured status, including insurance rights and denials, common barriers to substance use and mental health care.
Call the CHAMP Helpline at 888-614-5400
Buprenorphine Assistance Program (BUPE-AP) covers the cost for people who don't have any or enough insurance to cover the cost of buprenorphine. Buprenorphine (also known as Suboxone) is used to help you manage your opioid use (heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioids) and prevents you from having an opioid overdose.
Call: 800-542-2437 or 1-844-682-4058 or
If you are a provider or community program wanting to register to be a Bupe-AP provider, email
Additional Resources
What's new with naloxone? Washington Dept of Health and Dr. Sharon Stancliff, at the NY State Dept of Health (2022) audience: community